Sunday, February 20, 2011

There are certain things in life that you just don't do..

Yesterday, I was getting Korean food with my family, and on the mandatory TV's that every restaurant has now, they were playing this type of Slam Dunk competition on TNT. Now usually, I would have no idea what was going on, and not even pay attention to it, but something about this particular competition that really struck me as odd. Maybe it's just the fact that I haven't actually sat down and watched a basketball game in almost 7 years, but everything seemed off. For one, they had this competition where the player would have to dunk the ball, and retrieve a teddy bear off the rim at the same time. He succeeded the first time, and they picked a small Asian boy from the stands to come get it as a prize. Now, that's pretty standard, but then, things got a little weird. The security for the game grabbed the boy by his arms for some reason, and dragged him away from the player as the player just walked back to his bench. At this point, I was just waiting for the product of what ever commercial this was to appear, but nothing happened. Did I really just see what I thought I saw? A small Asian boy being dragged away by 7 foot tall, 350 pound monsters enlisted to protect the life of another 7 foot tall, 350 pound monster (the basketball player)? Maybe I'm a little behind the times on what's considered good entertainment these days.

The next time I looked up at the TV to see what was going on, another player walked in with his wife (I think). The player was getting ready to do his dunks, but then the wife goes and starts kissing each of the judges on the cheeks. This isn't even the weird part. On the subtitles below (there isn't any sound emitting from the TV), it says something like, "Oh isn't that just nice, oh yeah. Oh yeah." Now, maybe I took it out of context,, never mind, even if I did take it in or out of context, it's still creepy. Right? I mean, am I just so behind the times that I'm being weirded out by what Americans as a whole call good entertainment? Did I miss the "Sexual Exploitation of Women and Abuse of Children on TV" course or something? Maybe my standards are too high on what I consider to be "good" TV.

On Friday, I hung out with Coco, and we decided to see that Niam Leeson, I mean, Liam Neeson movie, Unknown. I'm going to skip writing a review on that one only because, well, it really sucked. Like, a lot. To the point where I may never look at Mr. Neeson the same way again. Or Diane Kruger for that matter. The basic and preposterous plot of this movie is this. Dude from Taken, not literally, just making a joke here people, don't get your panties in a rut, this movie is not a sequel to Taken, but it really feels like it. At 113 minutes, Unknown drags on exponentially, with almost no action. The characters are horribly developed, and the whole thing is plot hole after plot hole. Please, do us all a favor, and don't go see it. We need to send Mr. Neeson a message. Stop making bad movies!

I was talking to my old friend Alicia Robles, and we got on the subject of odd profile pictures that we've had in the past. She does what any logical person would do. She pulls out the profile picture I had a long time ago of some guy's bare ass. I meant it as a joke to everyone, and it worked. I'm not sure if anyone even remembers that at this point, but it did happen. Anyway, she pulled it up, and she says, "Well, you did have this." For me, that's a total cheap shot, but then she adds in, "But hey, you're the only person in the world who could have this as their profile picture and not have their motives questioned."

Another story about quirky friends. Last night, or morning depending on how look at it, at about 2 AM, I decided to IM my friend Lola Valdez. We got on the topic of movies, and we started talking about the movie Boogie Nights. She had never heard of it before, and says, "I bet it's about porn," just as I write, "It's about the porn industry." She had a total ZING! moment, and freaked out. Everything is funnier at 2 AM, I guess.

Thanks for reading guys! Don't forget to follow me on twitter at! This week's "Tweet of the Week" is:

"The world is a desolate place at 2:45 AM. Wish I could like, prevent a rape or something.."

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