Friday, February 11, 2011

Damn viruses..

I haven't posted in five days, and it's basically killing me, not to be melodramatic or anything. My reason behind it is, my computer got a virus from me downloading too many mixtapes on datpiff. At least, I think that's what happened. With computers now, it's almost impossible to tell. So now, I've been unflinchingly reduced to praying that I get a little time on the computer somewhere, whether it be on the library computers, or my mom's office.

Today, I've got two film reviews and nothing in particular planned, but we'll see where it goes from there. The first review is for a Greek film called Dogtooth. I actually saw Dogtooth when it was first released in 2010 (well 2009 for Greece but whatever). I really wasn't sure how I felt about it at the time, and I decided not to review it because I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. Almost a year passed by, and I decided to watch it again, mainly because it was the only interesting film on Netflix at the time. I watched it again from Midnight to 2 AM on a Saturday night, and paid more attention to the technical aspects of it, as well as the already intriguing story. On my second viewing, all the missing puzzle pieces that were there the first time all fell into place. Dogtooth is definitely not a film for everyone. In fact, it's not for most people. Imagine a Greek David Lynch film with a theme more reminiscent of a dystopian novel. The film switches from increasingly dry, to explicitly sexual, to insanely bizarre in a matter of minutes, but I think that's why I like it. None of the characters have names, and I think this is done to make the viewer refrain from making an emotional connection to any of the characters, whether they be good. That right there is the most interesting aspect of the film; it has no emotion. Until the third act, of course. That's all I'm going to say for now. Dogtooth is a fantastic Greek film that definitely earned its Oscar nomination.

The second review of the day is for a much less sophisticating and intellectually stimulating movie, not even film, movie, called The Roommate. Now, anyone who knows me knows that never in my right mind would I see The Roommate on my own. No, I had to miss True Grit because Piera doesn't know how to run to catch a lightrail. Because of this, we had to catch The Roommate as a last resort, because nothing else was starting at 5:15. We walk in, and there's literally no one else in the theater, a sure sign that this movie was going to suck...royally. After the previews for other films that are going to suck, The Roommate starts, with a horrible pop song that feels totally out of place. This trend continued for the rest of the movie. Everything felt random and out of place. The characters were drastically undeveloped. In fact, the only sympathy we feel is for the cat. You'll see why if you watch the movie. The only other character who we can possibly feel any sympathy for in my opinion is Cam Gigandent's character Stephen. The rest are absolutely throwaway, cliche, and underwritten characters that I didn't care whether or not if they died. Another thing that bothered me significantly was the PG-13 rating of this movie. It probably would've been better if it were Rated-R, for so many reasons. With that being said, I walked in the theater with my expectations being probably as low as they could possibly be, so part of me ended up slightly enjoying the stupidity of it. That's one thing about the horror genre that never gets old; even if the film is horrible, it's still enjoyable to a sense for the cheap thrills and bad script. I don't necessarily discourage you from seeing this, but I'm most definitely not encouraging you either.

Principal photography for Not For Public Use productions is Wednesday. Since Wednesday is a half day, we get like five hours of pretty much uninterrupted shooting, which will be fun. I really don't have much to say about that, but I'll see if I can post a few pictures on my facebook afterwards.

That's about it for now. Check out my twitter., not that I really post on it. Also, you can add me on Facebook (if I know you) at Thanks for reading!

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