Sunday, February 13, 2011

I hate seeing movies with other people in the theater..

It somehow seems that in two days, I've been to the movie theater two more times and seen two more movies. Barney's Version, and True Grit. They were both fantastic films, and as much as I'd like to recreate both of my reviews for both of them, you can just read them all at! But, I do have a story about my experience seeing True Grit today.

I go to the movies, too much if possible. My favorite theater is Camelview 5 in Scottsdale because it plays all the independent films that I like. But also because the audiences are usually very considerate of everyone else in the theater, which I totally dig. With an audience of 200 in there, it feels like you're the only one. I love that! But when you start going up north on the I-17, this isn't the case. I went to the Norterra 14 theater off of Happy Valley. I walk in, and it's relatively empty, score for me. Then this lady and her husband decided to sit right next to me. Like, out of all the open seats, they have to sit next to me. Then this guy starts eating peanuts loudly next to me. To make matters worse, he burped in my face once every like, twenty minutes, and I got a nice whiff of cigarette smoke, peanuts, and anus all in one. I'm surprised I didn't throwup on this guy.

Then, behind me, there was these really old, fat people who wouldn't stop complaining. Anytime something loud in the movie happened, one of them said "That's too loud," and the other said, "It's unbearable!" I'm not one to lose my cool in a movie theater, but I was pretty damn close. Thankfully it wasn't to the point where it was so distracting that I couldn't pay attention to the movie, because I really loved it.

I'm watching the Grammy's right now, and it really is just a horrible list of nominations. I loved the performances, but the nominations are just absolutely horrible. And the winner's are even worse. How did Kanye West not even get a nomination at all?! What kind of world do we live in!? You can read all the nominees and winners here Send all comments to, or just post them here!

Filming for If Found: Do Not Return, starts Wednesday! I'm pretty excited to be playing the lead role of Kemper Sorerbac and I'm interested in how it's all going to pan out. Don't forget to please, please, please, check out and follow! We're thankful for all of the fans that we get, so please! Tell your friends, tell your teachers, tell your family (well, maybe not), tell a hobo! Tell a foreigner! Tell them to tell another foreigner! Just do it!

As most people know, tomorrow is Valentine's Day. It's surprisingly one of my favorite holidays of the year. Now, that's not really the case with my valentine. She's probably reading this right now, and just banging her head into a wall, begging for forgiveness. Sorry, Coco, it's the holiday season! I have to squeeze every little bit of life out of this as I can. Now, because she's reading this, I'm not going to say anything more about tomorrow. Oh, and if you play sick and don't come to school, I'll probably never talk to you again :) Just saying.

In spirit of the holiday, I've decided to post a video. Yes, a video, for the first time. It's my favorite love song of all time, and it's actually by Andrew Jackson Jihad. Coincidentally enough, it's called "I Love You". It's the most honest, realistic, and heartwarming love song ever written. Check it out!

That's all for now guys, I hope you have a great Valentine's Day! Be safe! And remember, it's all over once the socks come off! Thanks for reading guys!

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