Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I felt like I was there for the longest time...

Today was the day that I had my voice concert, where I had to sing in a quartet with four other people (get it?) We sang "The Longest Time" by Billy Joel being backed up by about 60 singers behind us. It really wasn't outnumbered at all. We got up there, sang our song about two notches too flat, got the applause we really didn't earn that much, and went back and sat down. Now, contrary to popular belief, our choir singing wasn't the funny part, it was things that I thought about while the other choirs were up.

The first one that caught my eye as a little odd was the 7th hour Foundations 1. They sang "Lollipop" (You know, Lollipop, lollipop, oh lolli-lolli-lolli lollipop!). At first I thought, hey, this could be kind of cool. Then they started doing these dance moves that I thought were a little, well, provocative for a 7th and 8th grade choir. I felt like the entire point of that song was to sexually exploit twelve year olds, especially with the combination of the lyrics and dance moves. I'm by no means a conservative, but the rate at which teen girls are "maturing" is pretty astonishing. I mean, we've got pole dancing dolls now for little kids. Yes, pole dancing dolls. For kids ages 5 and up. I'm not even going to start on that one.

My next issue was with a song sung by 7th hour Women's Choir. It was a religious song, all about Jesus telling Moses to go to Egypt. I have no issues with the song, because, I admittedly thought that it was really catchy, and the three soloists who participated were fantastic. My problem with the song was, they were singing about fleeing to Egypt, when right now, there's a violent freedom fighting revolution happening in Egypt, and people are literally murdering one another to get out. Ironic? I think so.

My final problem with the concert, was that we had to clap like every two minutes. I honestly felt like I was at the State of The Union. All I wanted to do was nod off and have a nice nap before I went home. But no, we have to actually watch the show. And since every supervising teacher was surrounding us, like we were fresh jail-bait, texting or listening to music wasn't an option either.

When we finally got out, Melissa admitted that she and Jia started to doze off towards the end. I told them that they were lucky and that I sort of did too. I have to confess, I played rock, paper, scissors with Coleson for the last 20 minutes of the show.

I know that this blog isn't very long, I'm just feeling kind of sick, and to top it off, I missed Tosh.O today which makes me very mad. I'll be back with some new stuff for you guys soon. Don't forget to check out my writing on http://www.blogforteens.com/!

Thanks for reading!

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