Friday, February 25, 2011

Forget Red Bull, fruit gives you wiiings..

Today in science class we were talking about our presentations and how we can effectively convey our message during the presentation. In groups we were each supposed to create a board representing what we thought could be classified as a "good presentation". Then, we were supposed to pick one person to go up and present our boards. Don't worry, I wasn't that guy, that's not where this story is going. Whenever a person went up, they explained what would be acceptable and unacceptable, etc. The odd thing was, whenever they got to the part where they explained how to present ourselves, most of them mentioned to not stutter. I don't necessarily have a problem with it, but it was definitely an awkward moment for me. Every time someone said the word stutter, no matter what context, I felt like someone had just punched me in the stomach, and I don't know why. In speech therapy, Mirla, my speech therapist, tells me that the word stutter is a very weighted word for me. I always agreed, but never truly noticed how much that word actually means to me, but with a negative connotation. Thinking about things like this over and over again, it makes me wonder if I can actually successfully do this presentation, because to be honest, I really don't think I can at this point. I've worked hard at it, but I really don't think I've got a 10 minute presentation and 10 minute Q&A session in me. I mean, I can anticipate all I want, but on March 11th at 8 AM, I'll know if all this work was actually worth it.

I've been more than thrilled with the positive reaction to "Keep You Alive". I just want to thank everyone who took the time out and spent 2 minutes and 8 seconds listening to a crappy recording of a Phoenix band. Lizz and I really appreciate it more than you know. We're working towards getting a drumset right now, so be on the lookout for that as well. If you're one of the unlucky souls who hasn't had the opportunity to hear the song, the link is everywhere. You can find it on my profile page, the previous blog post before this, my twitter page (, as well as on my good friend Lola Valdez's page. She's Gentlemanly Anonymous' number one fan right now, and the video honestly wouldn't be possible without her. As for future releases from GA, look out for some new songs to be posted next week. I'm thinking that there's going to be about two covers as well as two originals. The two covers will be "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley and "Creep" by Radiohead. The two originals are called "You're Killing Me" and "Silent Shout". This number may increase between now and the next time we record, but I honestly don't know. As far as Lizz's music goes, she might be posting some stuff as well.

At ASA, we have a class called Life Skills. This quarter in Life Skills, we're doing a nutrition unit. For our quarter project, we're supposed to make a PSA (Public Service Announcement) on nutritious food. There wasn't much of a guideline as to what the PSA should entail, but my group decided on the topic of, "Fruit in correlation with strength". To illustrate this, we shot a one minute commercial. I honestly wrote, directed, and edited this thing, collectively, in less than 30 minutes, with no budget whatsoever. Please, don't be a judgmental snob. The reason I'm even bringing this up, is because for some reason, due to the positive reaction I got from it in my class, I decided to post it on YouTube. So, here is the link for our fruit commercial. Enjoy?

If you love it, great. If you hate, well then just go watch another Fellini movie and dump yourself into that Italian Neo-Realism that everyone just adores. Save the uneducated comedy for the rest of us.

Last night was my old school ACAA's Battle of the Bands. I really wanted to go, but I hadn't told my mom about it until we were passing Bell Road (where the school is). Through the grace of her heart, she let me go. I'm still in shock. Anyway, she let me go to the show, I get in, and I see a bunch of old friends from school. I suddenly feel at home. Also, I have to admit, as a stand-alone show, BOTB was great. All the bands were surprisingly good, and I admit I had a great time. Getting to see all my old friends, teachers, even enemies, it really did take me back. There's a band that emerged from ACAA called Saving Shea. Saving Shea has been around since I was in the 6th grade, where I first saw them play. Now, two years later, seeing them again, it really brought back the memories of my days there.

On a final note, the archive. I've been working on finding a place to put it where it's easy to reach, and you don't have to click a million and one links just to get there, so bear with me on that. Other than that, I've got nothing! Don't forget to follow me on twitter (link is above somewhere). Also, send all comments, questions, concerns, fan mail, and hate mail to! If you get a chance, don't forget to check out!

Thanks for reading!

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