Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Breaking and Entering Into Abandoned Houses..Fun Stuff

Sitting here next to me, is Nikki Wedemeyer, the craziest bastard on planet Earth, that isn't Charles Manson. But, anyway, in preperation for our film, we had to break into a broken down abandoned house, that had only half of a roof, and no back half. After spending about 30 minutes configuring a way to climb over the barbed wire fence without slicing off our genitals, we finally came to the conclusion that there was a lower and easier wall about 100 feet away. Yeah, we're geniuses...

Anyway, we finally make it over the wall, almost breaking our ankles jumping off. Lizz, being the last one, pulled the trash can over, and made us a speedy escape in case we heard sirens, or crackheads with knives. So, we walk up to the abandoned house that we'd been admiring for weeks, and finally stepped up onto the front porch, but of course, as all horror films go, we were too scared to actually go in the house. Well, we weren't, but Lizz was. Conveniently enough, she had to go home right when she got the balls to go inside. We made our trek back to the library, running past all the homeless people at the park who were snickering at us.

Nikki and I went upstairs after Lizz went home, and automatically got onto the library computer to write about this adventure. Kidding, but now Quetzalli and Hannah, two of the coolest people in Cool Town, are sitting here with me, breathing down my neck as I write this thing. Whoop, here comes Michelle, walking over, sniffling. We thought she got beat up, but no, she just has a cold. What a faker...

Oh, by the way, I owe Hannah like 5 dollars, so if anyone wants to spot me, that'd be awesome.

"A lot of pop music is about stealing pocket money from children."-Ian Anderson

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