Thursday, November 11, 2010

In Death There Is Life, In Darkness There Is Light

I want to start off today's post on somewhat of a darker note, only because it's something very near and dear to my heart. Last night, I found out that a dear friend of mine and my family, Peter Rubin, had committed suicide by hanging in New Jersey. When I found this out, I couldn't believe it, and tried to convince myself that this was all a bad dream. Hearing this, was something I thought I'd never have to hear in my life, and it really hit home. I always considered Peter a man that other men would aspire to be. He traveled the world, and saw many places that most people never have the chance to. He had more friends that any person had a right to, but of course, some souls are troubled. We all have a path that we choose, and this was his, and while I don't agree with it, I respect it. I can't pass judgment on matters that I had no experience with.

I would have to say my only regret about this whole tragedy is not talking to him sooner. Peter and I talked on Facebook every once in a while, and last week I was supposed to talk to him, and see how he was doing. I forgot to do so, and was making it a priority to do it this week. It's only now that I realize how imperative it was that I talk to him sooner.

I met Peter for the first time about 5 years ago. He seemed like a perfectly happy, polite, and fun person to be around when I was there. We hiked camelback mountain, let me rephrase, he dragged me up camelback mountain, and all seemed to be well. I was just beginning to really immerse myself into my music, and I wish that he could see my progress now as a musician, and as a human being.

R.I.P Peter Rubin, you will be sorely missed my friend. You were a one-of-a-kind.

Now, let me attempt to shed some light onto this post.

Today was one of those days when, you have no one to hang out with, and no one is allowed to hang out, but usually, when I'm busy, a lot of people want to hang out. Irony? I think so. My mom's office is almost exactly like the Office Space office, except with more interesting, and intentionally funny people working there. But when it got to be somewhat unbearably boring (no offense to anyone at the AMA of course) two of my friends, Lucille Berk, and Amanda J'Nae Smith surfaced from what seemed to be teenage Hell to go see a movie with me. Buying tickets for Morning Glory, instead we saw Due Date, the hilarious new dark dramedy from Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifianiakis. Directed by Todd Phillips (The Hangover, Road Trip, Old School), Due Date is definitely an underrated dark comedy with more heart, and more sick gags than I expected. Go see it. It's not too vulgar, and has enough humor to please all ages.

But, I must add, that one of the trailers, the last one to be exact, was for the new Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen) film, called Sucker Punch. I don't think I've ever seen a trailer that has made me want to see a film more than this one has. Watch the trailer, you'll see.

I think that's all I can say today without getting superfluous.

“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.”

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