Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Oh, yeah I forgot...

Yesterday, November 24th was my birthday for those of you who didn't already know. 14 years ago on this day, I escaped my mother's birthing canal, and entered the planet Earth. Oh yes, dramatic I know, but how else can I describe what was the best day of my parents' life (Wink, wink, wink guys)? Waking up, I didn't really feel too different, but who does on their birthday right?

After what seemed like the longest half day of my life, Me, Simon, Piera, Meghan, and Melissa were picked up by my mom at the library so that we could go to this Mexican restaurant on Clarendon and 3rd Avenue called Gallo Blanco, one of my favorite restaurants in Phoenix. We all sit down and immediately start to make jokes. I can't even wait for the food to get there before I pounce on the bag that's got my name on it. I open it and find...nothing! Just kidding, it's a new digital camera! Whoo! Yes! We get our food, devour it, take a few embarrassing pictures (which will be on Facebook shortly), and went to the roof to look over the Phoenix skyline. As much unhappiness that Phoenix has caused me, there are few things more beautiful than a skyline.

After dropping Piera off at the Burton Barr Library so that she can get picked up, Melissa, Simon, Meghan, and I headed off to the movies and saw Paranormal Activity 2. I had high expectations for this film, and some of them were met, others weren't. Yes, it was scary, yes it was interesting, and yes it fit in perfectly with the first film and actually added to the story. But the first one had a driving force that some of the 2nd was missing. But whatever, we weren't paying too much attention to it anyway we were too busy talking, but did get the piss scared out of us, or at least me, a few times.

We left; it was freezing outside. We walked to the park, laid in the grass, and talked about random stuff. It was a fun birthday for me indeed. I got picked up in front of the Westward Ho, and we went home. I addressed the 69 facebook birthday wishes that I got, and went to sleep at around 12:30 AM after listening to both the new Kanye West and Lil Wayne albums. Good stuff.

The next day was yes, my least favorite holiday of the year, Thanksgiving. There's a very specific reason that I hate Thanksgiving, but also a specific reason why I love it as well. Thanksgiving is a time when we're supposed to give thanks for all that we have, and be with the ones that we love. I totally respect, and agree with that. What I don't agree with, is the somewhat obligatory feeling that you have to visit the family members that you absolutely loathe and hope to never see again. Oh yeah, there's always at least one. You know what I'm talking about guys, come on.

My dad picked me up with my sister, and we made our way to Melissa's brother's house. Usually, I just sit on the couch and wait to leave, and that's pretty much what I did tonight. It's OK though, I definitely feel a sense of accomplishment as far as my relationship with my father goes. These last few weeks I've felt like our relationship has been getting a little rocky, and we've been growing apart. We talked a lot tonight and I think we've...resolved some past issues. I debated on whether or not to include this in here, but I feel like the only way to engage the reader is to tell the truth, the truth, and nothing but the truth. You guys read, so you deserve to know how I actually feel, not some sexy, romanticized version of my life. That wouldn't be fair to me, or you for that matter.

I ate the food that I could, anything with meat and fish being out of the question obviously. I decided to text someone that my friend Alana Arcaro introduced me to, Taylor. Alana thought that we would get along really well, and I think she was right. Taylor's a really cool girl, and fun to talk to. So, thanks Alana, I owe you :) And, sorry Taylor if I made you feel totally uncomfortable by doing that.

At about 9:30, we left, but not before taking a few pictures of course. Getting home at around 10:00, I'm about to watch a movie with my dad and tomorrow we head to California. (Yaaaaayy) I really hope that I can get a little internet access there to write a blog post, but we'll see how it all goes down. That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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