Tuesday, January 4, 2011

First day of the beginning..

Yesterday was my first day back at school after my superfluous break. Two weeks is too long to be off from anything. Contradictory to what most people believe, I actually like school. Some people assume for some strange reason that I hate school, but this isn't true. School is a place where I get to see my friends and have fun, but it's also a place where new ideas come to light. I have ways of thinking that only sprout during school. Not sure if that's good or bad.

Last week, I took Jia to see Tron: Legacy. I wasn't sure how much she was going to like it, but we had the opportunity to sit in these special seats. They were called "D-Box", and they were basically moving seats that shifted with the film. Along with the 3D, I thought that this would be the best movie experience ever! Little did I know, that those seats were more than uncomfortable, and the shifting somewhat distracted me from the film. The 3D on the other hand, was about as top notch as it gets, as were the effects in the movie. Jeff Bridges, as usual, was flawless, and Garrett Hedlund was actually very believable as Sam Flynn. Michael Sheen makes a very David Bowie-esque cameo as Zion. Overall, the film is very good, with less action than I anticipated, but the script sometimes goes a little bit too Disney. Like, there's some cheesy lines and horrible humor to impress the five year olds. The story is a little thin, but the characters, action, acting, and climax all make up for it. My verdict, unlike many critics, go see Tron: Legacy, have a good time.

But my review isn't the important part of my Tron story. It's the fact that Jia, who is only 5 years old, mind you, picked up everything in that movie. Even the talk of stock trading and business ethics and all the confusing stuff that I never even expected her to begin to grasp. Jia, as tough to handle as she can be, reminds me of myself more than almost anyone. The way that our personalities are evolving were next to identical. Kind of scary if you ask me.

Ok, so, this Friday is First Friday, my favorite Phoenix event in the whole world. I get to see friends, see art, and advertise my blog. That's where you faithful readers come into play. I know that I could just get 200 pieces of paper with the link for this page on it, but how many people will actually go there? 15? Maybe 50? I need some advertising ideas that will make people want to click this page? Can you guys possibly give me some ideas? If you have any ideas, email them all to joey123mo@hotmail.com. Thanks :)

I was talking to Nikki, and I said something really racist, and it wasn't until after I said it that I realized how terrible it was. Nikki met this Middle Eastern guy at the mall and he asked for her number and she told me this whole story. All I could say after that was, "Oh great, you guys can hook up and then blow up a national monument together." I'm almost ashamed at how terrible that statement was. It got me back to thinking just what a terrible human being I am. But do I feel remorse? Of course not, why should I?

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