Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hand covers bruise..

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I think this blog post is going to revolve around a lot of new ideas that I want to present to you guys, and see what you think, because, to be honest, your opinion is the most important one. I've been thinking a lot about where I want to take not only this blog, but other projects I might want to start. I've learned that the more you write, the more writing you actually want to do, and I feel like I can't express everything. My ideas at this point are so varied, that I could start 7 blogs right now. My dilemma is, can I keep them entertaining and keep people reading. Anyone can start a blog, but very few people can finish them on a high note, with a large fan-base, and people wanting more. Look at Seinfeld for instance. Jerry ended it with an 80 million viewer turnout. It was nothing short of genius. But that's not the point is. The point is, I need help on what the hell I'm going to do. Here are some of my possible ideas.

A Vlog-A vlog is basically a video blog, and it could serve as a more visual way for me to reach out to people. In other words, those of us who aren't exactly, well, readers. The reason I like the idea of a vlog is that I could do more visual jokes and have somewhat of a Tosh.O style. I've always thought that this would be really cool, but it would also be terribly time consuming, and I would only be able to do it once a week at the most.

An Ongoing Story Blog-Basically what this means is, start a story, and publish it in parts. 3 or 4 at the most. This would be interesting because it would most definitely want to make people come back if the stories are good. On the other hand, if they suck horrendously, people won't read them. Another downside is that I'd have to construct new stories to publish.

Up and Coming Band Blog-I've always really enjoyed finding out about new and unknown bands. It makes me really happy when I find a local band that no one has heard of, that's actually good. As one could gather from those two sentences, there are in fact a lot of upsides to this ones. There are also a lot of downsides as well. Coming across a good unknown band is one in a million, and I'd have to scan through pages and pages of people, and demo after demo of music, I'd probably end up hating music. This is my strongest possibility though, as new bands are always trying to find a way to break out. As well as discovering new bands, I can also introduce more obscure and lesser known bands to people as well.

An Ongoing Documentary-This one is somewhat similar to the video blog, and it definitely could work, but I'd have to purchase a video camera, and get something worth filming. Living in Phoenix, that shouldn't be too hard. Then again, I'd have to take time out to follow this person around, and make sure that I'll have the time and opportunity to do so. This is my riskiest possibility, and I would definitely need some help.

These are just a couple of almost hundreds of dangerous, hilarious, risky, offensive, and difficult ideas I've been thinking about. If you guys also have any ideas, I really would love to hear them. Send all your ideas if you have any to joey123mo@hotmail.com!

That's another thing, I'm going to make an email designed specifically for the blog. That should be up and running in no more than an hour. Thanks for reading!

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